Инга Левицкая

помогите вставить наречие в предложениях (ENG)

a) I don`t put ypur nose - other people`s affairs.
It is none - your business.
I realy do now know how to account - her absence.
She quietly thanked him - his kindness and left the room.
The portrait - the newspapers reminded me - one - the friends - my childhood.
The tragedy cast a shadow - his early life.
I believe we have had quite enough - it - the present.
She spoke - the perfomance - rapture.
I could not find the manuscript - my papers.
The work consisted - reading and traslation.


Динара Андержанова

don`t put your nose in other people`s affairs.
It is none of your business.
I really do now know how to account for her absence.
She quietly thanked him for his kindness and left the room.
The portrait in the newspapers reminded me of one of the friends from my childhood.
The tragedy cast a shadow on his early life.
I believe we have had quite enough of it until the present.
She spoke about the performance with rapture.
I could not find the manuscript in my papers.
The work consisted of reading and traslation.

п. с. 100% правильность не гарантирую

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