Катя Токарчук

Кто первый спел эту хрень - Оле, оле, оле? Чё за композитор

Евгений Антонов


но Вика утверждает насчет точности
One evidence of the chant appeared in an article of the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia from 1982. It was during the final match of the Spanish Football League that year. After Real Sociedad had been proclaimed champion, the people at the Atotxa Stadium in San Sebastián started to sing "Campeones, campeones, hobe, hobe, hobe", which literally means "Champions, champions, we are the best". The latter three words belonging to the Basque language. The chant expanded to the rest of Spain, and become known as "Oé, Oé, Oé".

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