Альфия Саитова

Проверьте правильность грамматики в небольшом тексте на английском.

Добрый вечер. Проверьте, пожалуйста, много ли здесь ошибок.

I learned about forum from our teacher.After reading about conference,its goals and themes,I interested in conference so much. I`m awfully upset about relationships between Russia Ukraine and Germane.Our countries had been maintaining friendly diplomatic relations for decides.Economic, cultural,ecological co-operation,combined efforts in solution of problems,have always leads to positive results.

I sincerely believe that the forum can help us to better understand problems which arose in our relationships.We are bound to solve it and to try improve relationships in the future.
I want to participate in the forum devoted to the relations of our countries because it directly concerns me personally.

I'm going to try make all possible efforts that my participation would productive for all member countries.

Надежда Ильина
Надежда Ильина

I (have) learned about THE forum from our teacher.
After reading about THE conference, its goals and themes (for discussion), I BECAME very interested in it.
I`m awfully upset/deeple concerned over/ about (the) relationships between Russia, Ukraine and GermanY.
Our countries had maintainED friendly ( diplomatic) relations for decAdes. Economic, cultural, ecological co-operation and combined efforts in problem solution have always lead to positive results. Экологическое сотрудничество как-то не очень, ну да ладно.
I sincerely believe that the forum can help us (to) better understand the problems that arose/have arisen in our relationships.
We are bound to solve THEM and improve our relationships in the future.
I want to participate in the forum devoted to the relations of our countries because it concerns me personally/directly .
I'm going to make EVERY possible effort TO MAKE my participation productive for all member countries.
Звучит лихо - я и все страны-участники. Но просили грамматику, пусть будет грамматика.

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