Юлия Шишотова

Англичане! Помогите с хорошим переводом! Очень прошу!

Мы представители компании Polar Star активно действующих на мировом рынке и понимающих потребности людей представляем вам наше уникальное творение «Iceland», которое входит в десятку самых необычных мест в мире.
Вы видите довольно таки масштабную реконструкцию, которая включает в себя рестораны, ледовый отель, горнолыжный курорт, место для парковки автомобилей.
А теперь о каждом поподробней. Развлечения: в развлечение у нас входит сноубординг, параглайдинг, катание на нартах с собаками хаски и оленями, крытый каток. Вы также сможете воспользоваться горнолыжными подъемниками при катании на лыжах.
Iceland – это экологический туризм. Это место покоя и гармонии.
Это место очень подходит для семейного отдыха.
Также есть отличная возможность отдохнуть после экспериментальных развлечений. Это après – ski бары, универсальное джакузи на крыше самого здания, ночной клуб. Так что после катания ничто не помешает отлично расслабиться.
Передвижение: от аэропорта города Сургут можно добраться до Iceland на шатл-басах или на поезде.
Так как мы очень экономные люди мы представляем уникальный поезд для наших любимый туристов. Конечно же мы шутим. наши туристы смогут добраться до нас с комфортом и уютом .ПИТАНИЕ: Наши рестораны предлагают возможность позавтракать, пообедать, и провести романтический ужин со своим любимым. Отведав нашу кухню, вы с новыми силами сможете продолжить свое развлечение, если вы хотите сказочно провести новый год или незабываемо отпраздновать день рождение, получить яркие впечатления и эмоции, выбрав Iceland вы не ошибетесь !

не кидайте гугловские переводы,

Алексей Оболонков

We are representatives of Polar Star company, (that is) active in the global market (лучше разбить на 2 части далее по тексту после слова "and") and we understand the needs of the people and present to you our unique creation «Iceland», which is among ten most unusual places in the world.
You see a pretty large-scale reconstruction, which includes restaurants, ice hotel, ski resort, parking.
Now about every detail. Entertainment: our entertainment includes snowboarding, paragliding, skiing, sled dogs husky and reindeer, indoor ice rink. You can also use the ski lifts for skiing.
Iceland - an ecological tourism. This is a place of peace and harmony.
This place is very good for familiy leisure.
There is also a great opportunity to relax after experimental entertainment. This après - ski bars, universal jacuzzi on the roof of a building, the night club. So after riding nothing prevents relaxation.
Navigation: from the airport of Surgut one get to Iceland on bass shuttle or train.
As we are very economical people we represent unique train for our favorite tourists. Of course we are joking. Our tourists can reach us with the comfort and coziness. FOOD: Our restaurants offer the opportunity to have breakfast, lunch, and have a romantic dinner with your beloved. After tasting our kitchen, full of strength you can go on having fun, if you want to spend a fabulous new year or unforgettable birthday party, get bright impressions and emotions, by choosing Iceland you can not go wrong!

Андрей Лахурин
Андрей Лахурин

We are representatives of Polar Star are active in the global market and understand the needs of the people present to you our unique creation «Iceland», which is among the ten most unusual places in the world.
You see a pretty large-scale reconstruction, which includes restaurants, an ice hotel, ski resort, a place for parking.
Now about every detail. Entertainment: the entertainment we have included snowboarding, paragliding, skiing, sled dogs husky and reindeer, indoor ice rink. You can also use the ski lifts for skiing.
Iceland - an ecological tourism. This is a place of peace and harmony.
This place is very suitable for families.
There is also a great opportunity to relax after experimental entertainment. This après - ski bars, universal jacuzzi on a roof of a building, a night club. So after riding nothing prevents relax.
Movement: from the airport of Surgut to get to Iceland on bass shuttle or train.
Since we are very thrifty people we represent unique train for our favorite of tourists. Of course we are joking. Our tourists can reach us with the comfort and coziness. FOOD: Our restaurants offer the opportunity to have breakfast, lunch, and have a romantic dinner with your loved ones. After tasting our kitchen, you are the new forces will be able to continue your game if you want a fabulous new year or spend an unforgettable birthday party, get thrills and emotions by selecting Iceland you can not go wrong!

Сергей Овсянников

We are representatives of Polar Star are active in the global market and understand the needs of the people present to you our unique creation «Iceland», which is among the ten most unusual places in the world.
You see a pretty large-scale reconstruction, which includes restaurants, an ice hotel, ski resort, a place for parking.
Now about every detail. Entertainment: the entertainment we have included snowboarding, paragliding, skiing, sled dogs husky and reindeer, indoor ice rink. You can also use the ski lifts for skiing.
Iceland - an ecological tourism. This is a place of peace and harmony.
This place is very suitable for families.
There is also a great opportunity to relax after experimental entertainment. This après - ski bars, universal jacuzzi on a roof of a building, a night club. So after riding nothing prevents relax.
Movement: from the airport of Surgut to get to Iceland on bass shuttle or train.
Since we are very thrifty people we represent unique train for our favorite of tourists. Of course we are joking. Our tourists can reach us with the comfort and coziness. FOOD: Our restaurants offer the opportunity to have breakfast, lunch, and have a romantic dinner with your loved ones. After tasting our kitchen, you are the new forces will be able to continue your game if you want a fabulous new year or spend an unforgettable birthday party, get thrills and emotions by selecting Iceland you can not go wrong!

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