Никита Коршунов

Помогите пожалуйста :вставьте оборот «there is» в нужной форме, подчеркните его. 1. There was a good film

1. There was a good film on TV yesterday evening.
2.«Where can I buy a newspaper?» - «…a shop at the end of the street».
3.… a table and four chairs in my sister’s room.
4.I think everything will be OK. I don’t think … any problems.
5.Twenty years ago … many tourists here.
6.Tomorrow … a lot of people at the party.

))))) )))))

1. THERE WAS a good film on TV yesterday evening.
2.«Where can I buy a newspaper?» - "THERE IS a shop at the end of the street".
3. THERE IS a table and four chairs in my sister’s room.
4.I think everything will be OK. I don’t think THERE WILL BE any problems.
5.Twenty years ago THERE WERE many tourists here.
6.Tomorrow THERE WILL BE a lot of people at the party.

Алексей Целитель
Алексей Целитель

2. There is
3/There are
4/ There will be
5/ there were
6/ there will be

Андрей Додонов
Андрей Додонов

2. There is
3. There are
4. there will
5. there were
6. there will
Но послушайте кого-то более толкового, если найдется. Мои знания со школы еще.

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