Алексей Пискунов
Алексей Пискунов

Usе the articles a, an, the where it it necessery:

..germany it...most developed country in europe.2...History and...Computer Science were...my favorite subjects at...school.3 I know...nearest way to...Bank.4...Usually I get up at...7 o'clock in...morning.6...Rostov is situated on...Don.7.Will you have...cup of...tea?8...Warsaw is...capital of Poland.9.We shall go to...cinema...together with...boyfriend.10.This is...book..,a book is very interesting.11.Do you see...sun in...sky today?12.He is...engineer by...profession.

Григорий Шумилкин

Germany it.the most developed country in Europe.2..History and.Computer Science were.my favorite subjects at school.3 I know..the .nearest way to.the..Bank.4 Usually I get up at 7 o'clock in.the morning.6..Rostov is situated on.the.Don.7.Will you have.a.cup of tea?8.Warsaw isthe.capital of Poland.9.We shall go to.thecinema.together with.my boyfriend.10.This is a book,the book is very interesting.11.Do you see.the.sun in.the.sky today?12.He is.an engineer by profession.

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