
Молодожены разошлись не прожив совместно и 3-х недель.Друзья спрашивают у мужа- Из-за чего ?! Она молодая, красивая, темпераментная ?!- Все очень просто , отвечает, Она совершенно небыла готова к совместной жизни - каждое утро когда я принимал ванну,она входила ко мне и топила ВСЕ мои кораблики !

#irc #rusnet

14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!] 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled! 14/12/2013 19:20:28: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load win32 directory from settings 14/12/2013 19:20:34: DEBUG - Selecting PSO2 Directory... 14/12/2013 19:20:56: DEBUG - Loading settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Initialize stuff for locale... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Load more settings... 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading style setting 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Loading textbox settings 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Colors 14/12/2013 19:20:58: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics... 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows?7 ?dition Familiale Premium 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: C:\Users\alex\Downloads 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 win32 Directory: D:\pso2 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False 14/12/2013 19:21:08: DEBUG - ---------------------------------------- 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Program opened successfully! Version [OK!] 14/12/2013 19:21:08 If startup loads forever, right click the progress bar and hit "Cancel process". 14/12/2013 19:21:08 Checking for updates, please wait a moment... 14/12/2013 19:21:09: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program... 14/12/2013 19:21:09 You have the latest version of the program: 14/12/2013 19:21:09 Downloading 7za.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:10 Downloading UnRar.exe... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Loading sidebar page... 14/12/2013 19:21:11 Checking for PSO2 Updates... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Done! 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Checking for updates to patches... 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Story Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current EN Patch version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:12 Current Large Files version is: Not Installed 14/12/2013 19:21:13 If any of the above versions are incorrect, use the override in options to fix them. 14/12/2013 19:21:13 Does the item patch work with the newest PSO2 version?: Yes 14/12/2013 19:21:13 All done - System ready! 14/12/2013 19:21:31: DEBUG - Check if PSO2 is running 14/12/2013 19:21:31 Could not find pso2.exe - This can usually be solved by going to Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs [FAILED!]

Галина Плешакова
Галина Плешакова

Если-бы он доверил ёй штурвал , на одном из своих корабликов , то может ещё и долго поплавали

Не Важно ...)

Хех)естественно жена не была готова

Не Важно ...)

Хех)естественно жена не была готова

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Nissan X-Trail (2012 года) ???
Нужны ли отбойники на дорогах? фото и пояснения внутри
Сколько стоит Chevrolet Camaro Z ?
куда вложить 100 000 рублей для начала собственного дела?
в каком банке выгоднее взять кредит?
Не могу решиться какую голову лучше взять.... Ground Zero GZRW 30SPL или Alpine 1223. может кто че посоветует?