Екатерина Конорева
Екатерина Конорева

Вопрос по английскому от тексту The United Kingdom) Who has more real power: the House of Lords or the House of Commons?


the House of Lords - Палата лордов - не имеет реальной власти, в отличие от Палаты общин - the House of Commons


второе... извини лень язык менять)


палата лордов вроде - высшая палата, они утверждают, поэтому риЭл пауэр у них

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Как переводится с английского (См. внутри)? Nah man, I won't bother your shrink ) I've ( among others) been trying to answer Stas's questions for a while pro bono so to speak ). The thing is .. my numerous attempts to encourage him to provide his own, however poor, answers first were all in vain. Stas showed no interest in doing that. I still got no clue why he asks his questions in the first place, but, hey, stranger things happened in here ) I'm just a bit pissed off about some peoples' unstoppable desire to get something for nothing. One or twice .. is OK, but in general I think we shouldn't be encouraging this kind of behavior on this board. But it's just me. YMMV.