
Нужна помощь!!!! Выберите правильную альтернативу, Active или Passive voice:

a) The reason why Swift trainers (0.cost/are cost)... cost... so much is that they (1.make/are made) ...of the highest quality leather. We (2.export/are exported) ...over 10 million trainers to countries all round the world and our shoes (3.wear/are worn) ...by all types of people.

b) The songs on Didi Brown's new album (4.wrote/were written)...by Didi herself. Half the money from the sales (5.will give/will be given) to the, Children In Need, fund.

c) The new Primera Consul has more comfortable seats and a sunroof . This model also (6.comes/is come) with all the latest safety features, which (7.check/are checked) very carefully by technicians.

Султан Каландаров

1 cost,are made,export,are worn,
2 were written,will be given.
3 comes,are checked

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