Виолета Краун

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Песня Винса Хилла звучала в передаче "Школа кадавров"21.03.2000, ощущение такое, что годов 60-х песня. Но там не было сказано названия. Словосочетания на слух такие "When i come home i am expecting you....nobode there....nobode there....

Королева Сайта

поможем) The day had finally come. I had been planning a road trip across the province for some time and when I received a message on facebook from my aunt Shelly about me stopping in to visit on my way through her town I didn't think much of it.
Turns out, she had put a lot of thought into it.

I had been driving for most of the day and the sun was setting as I pulled into aunt Shelly's driveway. She was sitting on the porch awaiting my arrival with 2 ice cold beers. Such a thoughtful woman. I quickly gave her a once over from behind my sunglasses. For a woman who was approaching 50 she was stunning. She wore a rather revealing tubetop and cut off jean shorts, and her immaculate feet were bare except for a cute ring on her second toe. She hugged me and offered me one of the beers.

A little backstory on my aunt and my fondness for her feet.

I'm the oldest of several cousins in the family and, when I was 13-15 I would babysit for my aunts and uncles. Aunt Shelly only had one kid, a girl, and I would more often than not find myself at their place on weekends watching her daughter while she went out partying with her friends or wherever it was she went. She was single and had been for some time. After most nights of partying she would arrive back home shortly after midnight, sometimes a little tipsy, and we would sit in the living room and talk or watch movies or tv shows. Just family bonding time. On some occasions, usually when she was a little more on the drunk side of things, she would offer me extra money to give her a foot massage. Now, at the time, being as young as I was I don't really remember if it was something that i viewed as a turn on, but it definitely was the start of my fetish, and I always jumped at the chance to massage her feet. Maybe it was the extra money, but I think even back then I knew it was something special.

Back to last weekend...

After a beer and some quick conversation of the "small talk" variety, we headed inside for a refill on our drinks. We sat down in the kitchen and she grabbed another couple of beers.

"So, Michael, any women in your life?" she asked.

I blushed, not wanting to admit that it had been a while for me and, well, any woman. "Not at the moment, don't have time for it really"

"That's a shame," she sat down at the table across from me and opened her beer, "the girls don't know what they're missing".

She adjusted her seating in her chair and raised her foot up to her lap. She began to massage it.

I took a long sip from my beer. "What's wrong with your foot?" I asked, hoping to get the conversation onto the topic of feet.

She looked up at me "they're just sore, that's all. No big deal."

I had to take my shot now, this might be the only chance I had. "Here," I pushed my chair over so she was sitting in from of me and patted my lap, "give it here, I'll see if I can help"

She smiled and hesitated, I'd thought I'd blown my chance but then she swung her foot up onto my lap "Really? Well, if you wouldn't mind, I'd really love a massage".

I nearly exploded right there, I was hoping that maybe I could manage to touch her feet at some point during the evening, but I never thought it would happen so quickly. I started to slowly massage her sole, being mindful not to expose the raging hard-on that was growing in my shorts. I worked on each toe, pulling gently, rubbing in between them, making sure every inch of her foot was taken care of.

She took a long gulp of her beer, bringing the can down empty. "Oh, Michael, thank you so much for this, you have no idea how great it feels"

I looked down at my crotch, Oh, I think I have some idea is what i wanted to say but instead "No problem Aunt Shelly, anytime."

I finished with her first foot and then asked for the second, but she cut me off and stood up. I thought it was all over.

"Would you like another beer?" She asked. I could tell that the 2 she'd already had were going to her head... This might t

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