Алексей Щербаков

помогите с английским люди)

задание2.изменения форму прилагательных данных в скобках и переведите предложения на русский язык
1.susan is (old) than mark:she is yhe (old)of the family
2.the weather is (dull) today than it was yesterday.
3.london is (big) than manchester.manchester is (small)than london
4.jack is(rich)than richard.but i don't think he is (happy)than richard.
5.my dog is as (good) as yours
6.that (nice)present is there than a box of chocolates?

задание3.Вставьте модальные глаголы may,can,must,need.
1. ..he ride a bike?
2. if you want to be healthy, you ...drink much coffee
3. ..i take a sweet?yes?of course
4. you ...choose any instrument if you like.
5. you ...learn music
6. ..i listen to the music?

Светлана Дзуцева

1)Susan is older than Mark:she is the oldest of the family.
2)The weather is duller today than it was yesterday.
3)London is bigger than Manchester.Manchester is smaller than London.
4)Jack is richer than Richard?but i don't think he is happier than Richard.
5)My dog is as good as yours.
6)Is that the nicest present than a box of chocolate?
1)Сьюзан старше, чем Марк-она самая страшая в семье.
2)Сегодня погода пасмурнее, чем вчера.
3)Лондон больше Манчестера. Манчестер-маленький городок.
4)Джек богаче, чем Ричард, но я не думаю, что он счастливее Ричарда.
5)Моя собака такая же хорошая как и твоя.
6)Что может быть лучше, чем коробка шоколада?
Задание 3:

Кирилл Андреев

.susan is (older) than mark:she is the(oldest of the family
2.the weather is duller today than it was yesterday.
3.london is (biger than manchester.Manchester is smaller than london
4.jack is more rich than Richard.but i don't think he is happier than Richard.
5.my dog is as good as yours
1.Can ..he ride a bike?
2. if you want to be healthy, you must not drink much coffee
3. May (can)..i take a sweet?yes,of course
4. you can...choose any instrument if you like.
5. you can...learn music
6.Can(may) ..i listen to the music?

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