Павел Щ Nevs И Юля

York feat. Jennifer Paige - Lost Under The Sun. Где можно найти текст этой песни

Алексей Солопов

Days,and nights
And days been caught in the rhythm
Can’t keep running
Never looked
Never look back to the promises broken
But can’t have wondering
On the day like today
When there’s nothing new
What she gonna do
Another day like today with same old view
Oh, so down to life in full blue
Lost under the sun
Mind chasing moves on
Coming undone when she dreams in color
It’s only black and blue
She’s like a fading flower
And nice in full blue
Watching the world go around
She kicks into pieces
Go through the motion
Swears that she never go back
But she can’t move forward
Stuck in the middle
On the day like today
When there’s nothing to loose
What’s the use
Another day like today
Feels there’s nothing left
Nothing to loose
Oh, so down to life in full blue
Lost under the sun
Mind chasing moves on
Coming undone when she dreams in color
It’s only black and blue
She’s like a fading flower
And nice in full blue
Days,and nights
And days been caught in the rhythm
Can’t keep running
Never looked
Never look back to the promises broken
But can’t have wondering
On the day like today
When there’s nothing new
What she gonna do
Another day like today with same old view
Oh, so down to life in full blue
Lost under the sun
Mind chasing moves on
Coming undone when she dreams in color
It’s only black and blue
She’s like a fading flower
And nice in full blue

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