Адиль Саалиевич

Кто исполняет эту песню или хотя бы текст пришлите! Richard Neale – Last Man Standing


I'll hang around like a spy who loves you
No questions asked, no reason to explain
We've been through a lot, we've seen the city changing
Under the sky we're both asking why
Oh mate, you are the best man, you're always by my side
Oh, will you be my best man? Before something's changed..
It takes a real friend to point out when it's the end
And prop up the bow
And be a real star
Tying the knot, look back at all you got
Now start something new, it's time to join the queue
Oh mate, you are the best man, you're always by my side
Oh, will you be my best man? Before something's changed..
I'll hang around, I'll be the last man standing
No questions asked, no reason to explain

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