Таня Жукова

Английский язык

Задание 1. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в форму множественного числа: 1. A new house is in out street.2. A woman, a man, a boy and a girl are in the room.3. Put this knife on that table.4. He keeps his toy in a box.5. Is that girl your sister?Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень сравнения прилагательного. 1. The room is (clean) than they used to be.2. It’s (cold) here than in Moscow.3. This is (expensive) book of them all.4. His answer was (bad) than I thought.5. The Nile is (long) than the Dnipro.6. She is (strange) person we have ever met.7. Peter is (old) of them all.Задание 7. Образовать отрицательную и вспомогательную форму предложений. 1. He had done his lessons by 5 o’clock.2. Nick returned from office at 5 o’clock yesterday.3. She is working in the library now.4. We shall have our English lesson tomorrow.5. I usually meet him on my way home.6. She read 2 books last week.7. I’ll be translating this text the whole morning tomorrow.

Алексей Клочков

1. New houses are in our streets. 2. Women, men, boys and girls are in the room. 3. Put these knives on that table. 4. He keeps his toys in the boxes. 5.Are those girls your sisters?
1. The room is cleaner than they used to be. 2. It's colder here than in Moscow. 3. This is the most expensive book of them all. 4. His answer was worse than I thought. 5. The Nile is longer than the Dnipro. 6. She is the strangest person we have ever met. 7. Peter is the oldest of them all.
1. He hadn't done his lessons by 5 o'clock yesterday. 2. Nick didn't return from officee at 5 o'clock yesterday. 3. She isn't working in the library now. 4. We won't have our English lesson tomorrow. 5. I don't usually meet him on my way home. 6. She didn't read 2 books last week. 7. I won't be translating this text the whole morning tomorrow.

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