Евгений Батарев

SOS! Ребята, пожалуйста, 3 предложения в past simple, past continuous, past perfect! Задание для вас проще простого 😉

Нужно по 3 предложения в разных временах с этими двумя словами. спасибо! )

to stroll - прогуливаться

to trip - путешествовать

Константин Попов
Константин Попов

Was you strolling in Evromaidan,there is dangerous!-Past Continious.
Were you went tripping in Hawaii?-Past Continious.

I wasn't strolling in park with my friends because of football workouts.-Past Continious.

In February 8th, 2014 I took my girlfriend(boyfriend) holding hands for a stroll.

I never had tripped to Miami but very want it.

Hadn't you went stroll yesterday? -Past Perfect

Did you strolled around new stadium yesterday?

Dean and Ashley did'nt tripped in Egypt.

I tripped around the world by ship with my best friend-Past Indefinite(Simple).

Любовь Лутошкина

Did you stroll around the new stadium yesterday?-(Did you strolled around new stadium yesterday?---грубейшая ошибка!!! )

(Dean and Ashley did'nt tripped in Egypt.-грубейшая ошибка !!!)-Dean and Ashley did'nt trip to Egypt.
вообще и в вышенаписанных предложениях сплошные ошибки!!!!

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