Сергей Елисеев

Помогите пожалуйста с домашкой! Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на форму времени глагола – сказуемого.

1. How many English books have you read since you began to learn English?
2. We haven’t heard from you since you left school. Where have you been?

3. How long have you known you best friend?

4. Which museums have you visited since you lived in Kirov?

5. Have you seen your teachers since you left school?

Елена Прекрасная

1- But the first question is a dead-end, probably a few first time, I did not know a priori
2- I was out for family reasons. Learn want? Question about my parent.

3 -His friend know already seventeen years.I trust him completely. Why? Because, in the difficult moments did not insert and shoulder help.

4- I visited the museum in the summer of these:

House-Museum "Museum Alexander Green"

Grin Literary Museum - the only one in Russia. Exhibition occupies 4 rooms, dedicated to the life and work of Alexander Grin (1880 - 1932.).
The first two rooms memorial: children and living room. Here recreated typical family of rank-setting. Interest of visitors cause unique exhibits: cover of the book, woven A.Grinevskim (future writer Alexander Grin), father of drawing - S.E.Grinevskogo accountant provincial hospitals; original photos of the family.
The third and fourth rooms devoted to the life and work of the Green from 1896 to 1932. Documents, manuscripts, books and journals reveal the creative process Romantic writer.

5-Teachers THANK YOU! If not for them, life would not know what a school! You have taught me. Raised. Thanks to you I get the person out. To me you'll stay: second mothers and fathers, the founders of my life goals and choosing the path of life's vitality and cunning. For all of this again, and thank you!

Татьяна Елисеева

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