Татьяна Свиридова

Раскройте скобки, употребив время Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. He (to return) from business trip yesterday.

2. When the
boss (to enter) the office, the secretary already (to send) all the letters.

3. By 2007
New Zealand (to reach) good results in the international dairy trade.

4. Where
you (to work) before you (to begin) working for our company?

5. In the past Britain’s economy (not to base)
on service sector industries.

Елена Орлова

1) He returned from business trip yesterday
2) When the boss entered the office, the secretary has already sent all the letters.
3) By 2007 New Zealand has reached good results in the international dairy trade.
4) Where did you work before you began working for our company?
5) In the past Britian's economy didn't base on service sector industries.


1 returned

2Entered, has sent

3 reached

4 where have you worked, began

5have not based

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