Екатерина Смирнова

• He doesn’t play football, but when he was at school football.

Task 3. Use the cues to complete the sentences with “used to”.
• She has short hair now. When she was young, she_________________________ long hair.
• He doesn’t play football, but when he was at school he ________________________ football.
• She is a hairdresser now. Five years ago she ______________________ a bus driver.
• They live in New York now. Twenty years ago they __________________________ in Moscow.
• I don’t watch TV anymore. Three years ago I __________________________ TV for hours.


Task 3. Use the cues to complete the sentences with “used to”.
• She has short hair now. When she was young, she___used to wear______________________ long hair.
• He doesn’t play football, but when he was at school he ___used to play _____________________ football.
• She is a hairdresser now. Five years ago she ____used to be__________________ a bus driver.
• They live in New York now. Twenty years ago they ___used to live _______________________ in Moscow.
• I don’t watch TV anymore. Three years ago I ____used to watch______________________ TV for hours.

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