Геннадий Дьяконов

Раскройте скобки: Present Simple,Present Continuous,Future Simple,Present Perfect,Past Perfect,PastContinuous,PastSimple.

1. Don't be late! They ( to wait) for you in the cold.

2. The room ( to be ) empty: everybody ( to go).

3. Cathy ( to say ) that she ( to find ) this puppy in the street.

4.You ever ( to meet ) anybody famous?

5. She ever ( to be ) on a blind date?

6. Why your parents ( to be ) so angry last night ? -Because my brother ( to be ) late.

7. If he ( to go ) to the airport by car, he ( to catch) a plane.

8. What ( to be ) the matter? Why you ( to phone ) the doctor now?

9. If you ( to tell ) her telephone number, I ( to ring ) her up.

10. My son ( not to like ) to eat soup but he ( to eat ) his soup now .

11. We often ( to watch ) TV if the weather ( to be ) bad.

12. Jack ( to miss) the train if he ( not to hurry ) .

13. Why she ( to watch ) television so often?

14. Your daughter ( to skate ) on the pond from five till six?

15. Martin ( not to wash ) up yet.

Екатерина Люст

1) are waiting
2) is, has gone
3) said, had found
4) Have you ever met
5) Has she ever been
6) Why were your parents so angry last night ? -Because my brother was late.
7) If he goes to the airport by car, he will catch a plane.
8. What is the matter? Why are you phoning the doctor now?
9. If you tell her telephone number, I will ring her up.
10. My son does not like to eat soup but he is eating his soup now .
11. We often watch TV if the weather is bad.
12. Jack will miss the train if he does not hurry .
13. Why does she watch television so often?
14. Was your daughter skateing on the pond from five till six?
15. Martin has not washed up yet.

Надежда Куликова

Учить надо было, я тоже был когда в твоем возрасте, тоже ничего не учил, приходилось все нагонять, не спать ночами, а учит все лишь одно время. Дальше пойдет вещи еще сложнее, чем эти времена. Так что лучше учи, не запускай!

Алексей Воронин

1. Don't be late! They ARE WAITING ( to wait) for you in the cold.
2. The room ( to be ) empty: everybody ( to go). НЕПОНЯТЕН СМЫСеЛ

3. Cathy SAID( ИЛИ says ) that she HAD (ИЛИ has) FOUND ( to find ) this puppy in the street.

4.HAVE You ever MET( to meet ) anybody famous?

5. HAS She ever BEEN( to be ) on a blind date?

6. Why your parents WERE( to be ) so angry last night? -Because my brother HAD BEEN late.

7. If he GOES( to go ) to the airport by car, he WILL catch a plane. (the!)

8. What IS( to be ) the matter? Why you ARE phonING the doctor now?

9. If you tell (ME) her telephone number, I WILL ring her up.

10. My son DID (ИЛИ "had not liked") not like to eat soup but he (IS eatING ) his soup now .

11. We often watch (ИЛИ ARE WATCHING) TV if the weather IS bad.

12. Jack WILL miss) the train if he DOES not hurry.

13. Why DOES she watch television so often? ИЛИ "Why WOULD she (watch ) television so often?"

14. DOES (ИЛИ Did) Your daughter skate on the pond from five till six?ИЛИ WAS Your daughter skatING on the pond from five till six? (неясна ситуация.. . )

15. Martin HAS not washED up yet.

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