Мария Чиркова

помогите решите задание по английскому

Задание 7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках во врeмена Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Вставлен-ные слова подчеркните.

James (be) a taxi-driver. He (work) in London. He (know) the city very well. He (work) as a taxi-driver for 25 years.
‘I (love) my job, because every day I (meet) new people. Many tourists (visit) the city, especially in summer and I (tell) them about every street.’ Now James (have lunch) in a café. He usually ( have) two breaks a day for a short rest. At the weekends he (go) to the seaside. He (spend) his holidays at the same place for many years.
James (be) a good worker. He (earn) about 2000 pounds a month. This month he (get) even more – there are many tourists in the city now. Next Monday he (meet) his friends. They (come) to see London. He ( be) going to show them the city .
Задание 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках во времена Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.
John works in a real-estate agency. Three years ago he (be) unemployed and (search for) any job. Every day he (read) advertisements about jobs. He (decide) to try. At first it (be) difficult and he (not, do) deals alone. But soon he (learn) job well and last year he (become) the best agent. By the end of the year he (sell) many apartments and (receive) a big bonus. Yesterday he (work) with a client who (want) to buy a huge flat in the very centre of the city. They (discuss) details of the deal for one hour. At last they (sign) the documents. Once John (look for) a flat for a very bossy man. He (look for) it for two months, but in the end the client (refuse) because he (buy) a better one through another agency! Although the job is nervous, John likes it very much.

Задание 9. Поставьте глаголs в скобках во времена Future Simple, Future Perfect или Future Continuous.
1. I (cook) dinner by the time I leave for the pub.
2. Tomorrow I (be) at the studio all the day.
3. By the time he is thirty five he (become) a professor.
4. I won’t be able to answer the phone in the afternoon. I (give) a talk at the conference.
5. We (have) coffee after Martin has finished eating.
6. I hope I (become) a good specialist in the future.
7. Don’t call me in the morning tomorrow. I (sleep).

Ирина Михальчук

это очень много.
За такое вообще-то платить надо. Человек потратит свое время, оказывая сию услугу. А вы всё на халяву хотите...

Ирина Богданова
Ирина Богданова

а в каком вы классе, Анна?


Помогу - стучи в агент))

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