Лилия Наумова
Лилия Наумова

Put the words in the correct order.

1) did Ben yesterday where go
2) are listening you to what
3) many people at party the how were
4) going on go holiday year this you are to
5) Millie her with does parents live
6) Sarah doing now what is


1. Where did Ben go yesterday?
2. What are listening to you?
3. How were many people at the party?
4. Are you going to go on holiday this year?
5. Does her parents live with Millie?
6. What is doing Sarah now?

Танюша Душечкина

! верно2 неверно3неверно4верно5неверно в предыдущем ответе

Miss Creed
Miss Creed

хрен его знает!

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