
Где можно найти текст песни The Outdoors - Barricades? Подскажите, пожалуйста, первые страницы в гугле не помогли 😕


Текст песни

Eyes are still red
Coming apart
The lies won't take me far
Body aches
These hands shake
Dealing comes with scars
It's hard to sleep with all that's questioned

Can I find, peace of mind
Barricades in time
Can I find, peace inside
And let love come save my life

Tried to forget
Feelings of death
Invading panic spawns
Can't concentrate
No one relates
Stealing all the light
Spreading thin the soul in sections

Can I find, peace of mind
Barricades in time
Can I find, peace inside
And let love come save my life

The enemy's my own thinking
I never let it show
The weight of me I am sinking
I fight this more than you know

Can I find, peace of mind
Barricades in time
(Can I find, peace of mind)
Can I find, peace inside
And let love come save my life
(Everything is fine)

Can I find, peace of mind
(Barricades in time)
If you ask, everything is fine
(Everything is fine)
Can I find, peace inside
(Barricades in time)
As I deal with my own strife

The enemy's my own thinking
I never let it show
The weight on me I am sinking
I fight this more than you know

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