Наталия Денисенко

где найти текст песни Bigbang – Epic Scrap Metal? оч понравилась песня, но текст нигде не могу найти :с


Текст песни Bigbang Epic Scrap Metal

(You ready)


Have you never ever blamed youself
For all that was evil
Have you never ever been misjudged
By the jury of your equals
Wrong place, wrong time
With the smallest circumstanse
Could change your mind
And make you cross the line

We could lie until there's no one left to use
We could cheat until there's no one left to sue
We'll make peace until there's no one left to shoot
We'll make love, until it becomes the truth

Ooohho, the gods get angry
Ooohho, and not to waste
Have you never ever blamed yourself
For all that was evil
Have you never ever been misjudged
By the jury of your equals
Wrong place, wrong time
With the smallest circumstanse
Could change your mind
And make you cross the line

We could lie until there's no one left to use
We could cheat until there's no one left to sue
We'll make peace until there's no one left to shoot
We'll make love, until it becomes the truth

Ooohho, the gods get angry
Ooohho, and not to waste
Ooohho, the gods get angry
Ooohho, and not to waaaste

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