Александр Winston

Помогите с Present Simple или Present Continuous

Задание: Подставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1) I (like) to play basketball. - I like to play basketball.
2) Their friends (come) us to tomorrow . -Their friends are coming us to tomorrow.
3) She ofter (wear) black dresses. - She ofter wears black dresses
4) I (be) fond of fishing. - I am being fond of fishing.
5) My cousin (have) linch with me next Sunday. - My cousin having lich with me next Sunday.
6) Sometimes we (go) to seaside. - Sometimes we go to the seaside.
7) Listen attentively! Tom (to recite) a poem. - Tom is reciting a poem.
😎 Be quiet! You (to quarrel) to loudly. Everbody (to look) at you. - You are quarreling too loudly. Everbody are looking at you.
9) You (to make) such a terrible noise. What (to do) you? - You are making such a terrible noise. What are doig you.
10) Water (to boil) . -Water boils at 100C.

Пожалуйста проверьте правильно ли я скобки раскрыла, если нет, то исправьте. Заранее спасибо!

Эльдар Маг

4) I am fond of fishing
😎 Everybody is looking
9) what are you doing

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