Ксения Лукьянова
Ксения Лукьянова

Translate into English using participles I where possible.

1. Он осторожно сел на диван, который был напротив буфета. 2. Закрыв за ней дверь, он вернулся в свою ком¬нату. 3. Она еще раз позвонила, затаив дыхание. 4. Поцеловав детей, он ушел на работу. 5. Вый¬дя из машины, он вошел в коричневое каменное здание. 7. Я хочу, чтобы вы опять послушали музыку, которую мы вместе слушали на концерте. 8. Ей очень понравил¬ся костюм для охоты. 9. Молодой человек, посмотрев в ту и другую сторону, проводил Джейн в комнату. 10. Она пристально посмотрела на жену Джека, которая стояла в центре комнаты. 11. Посмотрев на Тома, который сломал свою игрушку, отец покачал головой. 12. Они дошли до двери и стояли там разговаривая. 13. Он ука¬зал пальцем на женщину, которая стояла у метро. 14. При¬близившись к центру города, он остановился у автома¬та и позвонил Милли. 15. Она подняла книгу, которую уронила на пол. 16. Он взял стакан, из которого пил его брат.

Los Merengues

1. He carefully sat down on the sofa, which was in front of the buffet. 2. After closing the door behind her, he returned to his com ¬ natural numbers. 3. She again called breathlessly. 4. Kissing the children, he left for work. 5. Vy ¬ AH out of the car, he got into a brown stone building. 7. I want you to hear again the music we listened to a concert together. 8. She really ponra1. He carefully sat down on the sofa, which was in front of the buffet. 2. After closing the door behind her, he returned to his com ¬ natural numbers. 3. She again called breathlessly. 4. Kissing the children, he left for work. 5. Vy ¬ AH out of the car, he got into a brown stone building. 7. I want you to hear again the music we listened to a concert together. 8. She loved ¬ Xia hunting kit. 9. Young man looking in both directions, Jane spent in the room. 10. She looked at Jack's wife, who was standing in the center of the room. 11. Looking at Tom, who broke his toy, his father shook his head. 12. They reached the door and stood there talking. 13. He pointed a finger ¬ room at the woman who was standing at the station. 14. ¬ When nearing the center of the city, he stopped at the auto ¬ and she called Millie. 15. She picked up the book, which had dropped to the floor. 16. He took the glass from which saw his brother.

Яна Герасина

2. Having closed the door, he came back to his room
3. She called them once more having held her breath
4. Having kissed his children he went to work

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