
Подскажите как звучит русскими буквами английский текст след. песни! Спасибо!!!!

The Moon And the Sky (Sade)
I was the one
I who could, pull in all the stars above
Lay them on your feet, and I gave you my love
You are the one who got me started
You could have let me love anyone but I only wanted you
So why did he make me cry
Why didn’t you come get me one last time
You’ll always know
The reason why
We could have had the moon and the sky
You’ll always know
The reason why this love, reason why this love
Ain’t gon’ let you go
You let me down
Left me for alliance
A long long time ago
You left me there dying
But you’ll never let me go
You’ll always know
The reason why
We could have had the moon and the sky
You’ll always know
The reason why this love, reason why this love
Ain’t gon’ let you go
You’ll always know the reason… Why
The song you heard, will stay on your mind
It ain’t gon’ let you go… No…
Cuz you have removed the in the sky
You’ll always know
The reason why
We could have had the moon and the sky
You’ll always know
The reason why this love, reason why this love
Ain’t gon’ let you go…
Ain’t gon’ let you go…
You have the keys to car…
You have every star…
Everyone of them twinkling…
Thinkin ’bout what you thinkin’…


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