Алена Зиброва

Помогите пожалуйста вставить данный слайдер на сайт...


В скачанной папке очень много разных файлов. В PHP почти не разбираюсь. К сожалению не могу понять что куда надо вставлять


а инструкцию прочитать не судьба ?


Open module parameters in Extensions > Module Manager > HOT Newsflash. You'll see that some default parameters are already there. However, you should change some of them to accomodate module for usage on your site.
LOAD JQUERY: Select wheter to load jQuery library or not. If your template already loads it, you may disable this to avoid possible javascript errors.
MODULE WIDTH: Overall module width. If you have border, overall width will be higher for border width (x2). Height of the module depends of images height (set this below).
BACKGROUND COLOR: Background color of the text area in hexadecimal format (in example ffffff). You may use Color Blender to get values if you don't have software, such as Photoshop.
BORDER WIDTH: Border width is numerical value in pixels. Type only number (in example 3).
BORDER COLOR: Color of the border line in hexadecimal format (in example 000000).
NUMBER OF ARTICLES: How many featured articles you'd like to show. Select number 1-5.
DISPLAY READ MORE LINKS: Enable/disable "read more" links. They are not necessary as articles' headers are linked.
READ MORE LINK TEXT: Text for "read more" links (if they are enabled above).
TABS WIDTH: Width of the tabs that are used to rotate between articled. Height of the tabs are calculated automatically.
TABS BACKGROUND COLOR (REGULAR, HOVER, ACTIVE): Color of the tabs' background in hexadecimal format.
TABS FONT COLOR (REGULAR, HOVER, ACTIVE): Color of the tabs' font in hexadecimal format.
FOLDER WHERE IMAGES ARE STORED: Type folder (relative to Joomla root) where your images are stored. Don't include leading or trailing slash (in example you may enter images/stories).
WIDTH OF THE IMAGES: Self explanatory.
HEIGHT OF THE IMAGES: Self explanatory. It also determines overall module height.
HEADING OF ARTICLE: Please type heading of the article here.
LINK TO ARTICLE PAGE: Please type link to the full article here, starting with http://. You can use internal or external links (internal link example http://www.yoursite.com/index.php, or external link http://www.google.com). If you don't type a link, heading and image would be displayed without link.
ARTICLE INFO TEXT: Please type short article information text for each featured article. HTML code allowed here.
IMAGE NAMES: Image name with extension (in example articles.jpg).

Наталья Савицкая

Разве по адресу сайта не видно, что это Украина домен 3 -его уровня пытается продавать скрипты слайдеров, сделанные чужими руками ?
Ищите в Гугл оригиналы и причем бесплатные. А этого умника нужно расстрелять.
Вот Вам и ссылку внизу у него нашел : h t t p : / / w w w . q o o d o . r u / ( * пробелы уберите )

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