Ангелина Комбарова

Може кто-то помочь с английским? 😞 Спасибо

Fill in the gaps with the right words or phrases using who, which, where.
I like the girl ____ came here yesterday.
The people___ wanted to know where you live looked strange.
The drawer___ you usually leave your keys is empty.
When I was a kid, the only place ____ I liked spending a lot of time was my house.
The key ___I found last night doesn't belong to my sister.
The kids___ run a lot are usually fit later on in life as well.
Could you show me the car ___you bought last month?
The book_____ I gave you for your birthday is very interesting indeed.
Parents ____ don't care about their kids may face huge problems when the kids start to grow up.
Could you tell me ___you live?

Иринка ***

Заполнить пробелы с правом слова или фразы, используя, кто, что, где.
Я, как девушка ____ пришли сюда вчера.
В people___ хотел узнать, где вы живете, выглядело странно.
В drawer___ вы, как правило, оставьте ваши ключи пуст.
Когда я был ребенком, единственным местом, ____ я любил тратить много времени был мой дом.

Гостья Из Прошлого

2- who
и т. п.

Маруся Иванова

Може кто-то помочь с английским? - Може кто и поможе.. .

I like the girl who came here yesterday.
The people who wanted to know where you live looked strange.
The drawer where you usually leave your keys is empty.
When I was a kid, the only place where I liked spending a lot of time was my house.
The key which I found last night doesn't belong to my sister.
The kids who run a lot are usually fit later on in life as well.
Could you show me the car which you bought last month?
The book which I gave you for your birthday is very interesting indeed.
Parents who don't care about their kids may face huge problems when the kids start to grow up.
Could you tell me where you live?


1. who
2. who
3. where
4. where
5. which
6. who
7. which
8. which
9. who
10. where

Для людей - who
Для предметов, животных - which
Для места (действия, расположения) - where

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