Анастасия Плотникова

Какие животные обитают в США и только там ! ?Какие животные обитают в США и только там ! ?


Пекан (илька).

♡ Дмитрий ♡

звездонос, черноногий хорек, бизон, ламантин.


United States of America

Mammals living nowhere else include the Hawaiian Monk Seal (EDGE), the Red Wolf (ARKive), the Island Fox (ARKive), the Seminole Bat (Smithsonian), the Olympic Marmot (ARKive), the Utah Prairie Dog (ARKive), the Hopi Chipmunk (Smithsonian), Nelson’s Antelope Squirrel (ARKive), and the Giant Kangaroo Rat (ARKive). Representatives of endemic genera include the Pygmy Rabbit (Smithsonian), the Pale Kangaroo Mouse (ARKive), the Round-tailed Muskrat (Univ. Florida), the Red Tree Vole (ARKive), the Florida Mouse (flickr), and the Golden Mouse (Smithsonian).

Birds unique to the U.S. include the Gunnison Sage-grouse (ARKive), the Greater Prairie-chicken (ARKive), the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Cornell), McKay's Bunting (ABA pdf file), the Nene (ARKive), and the Hawaiian Hawk (Audubon). Hawaii is exceptionally rich in endemic genera including the Palila (Native Birds of Hawai'i), the Oahu Amakihi (ARKive), the Akikiki (ARKive),the Iiwi (Audubon), the Akepa (BNA Online), the Maui Alauahio (BirdLife Int'l), the Akohekohe (Wikipedia), the Elepaio (ARKive), and the bird with the world's smallest natural range, the Nihoa Finch (BirdLife Int'l). The Kauai O'o (Wikipedia), which became extinct about 1987, was the last surviving member of an endemic family, the Mohoidae.

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