Аня Смогоржевская

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напишите 20 предложений по английскому, 10 пред с неправильным глаголом в пресент симпл и пресент пёфект, 10 на каждый

Василий Матуль

I get up at 7 o'clock/ I have got up at 7 o'clock today morning.
My grandmother have many sweets/ My grandmother has had many sweets just a moment.
My dad shows me his photos/ My dad has shown me his photos.
I spend my free time with my friends in the park/ I have already spent my free time with my friends in the park
Nina sees bears today afternoon/ Nina has already seen bears today afternoon.
Попробуй придумать дальше сам.

Полина Сулавко

Younger women like Angelina Jolie, who discover they are high-risk for breast cancer and elect to have their breasts removed before it develops, are driving the trend towards better breast reconstruction options for all women.

Immediate reconstruction procedures, in which breast reconstruction begins at the same time as the mastectomy, are now the "gold standard" for breast cancer patients, said Dr. Joshua Levine, chief of surgical services at the New York Center for the Advancement of Breast Reconstruction.

It allows breast surgeons and plastic surgeons to collaborate on both removing the cancer and reconstructing more natural-looking breasts, he said.

Still, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates only 30 percent of women are made aware of reconstruction options before having a mastectomy.

"For the majority of women, immediate reconstruction is an option, and one that unfortunately women are not always told about," said Dr. Gary Arishta, reconstructive microsurgeon at the PRMA Center for Advanced Breast Reconstruction in San Antonio, Texas.

"Not too many years ago, women were told that they should wait to make sure their cancer was gone before having reconstructive surgery. But now the treatment results are very predictable, and (we know) the reconstruction doesn't negatively impact cancer treatment."

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