Mustafa A

Нужна помощь по заданиям английского языка

1)Употребите соответствуюшие вопросительные слова:

1) . .Book do you like to read?
2) . .is your favorite Russian writer?
3). . books by this writer have you read?
4). . do you like this writer?
5). . famous American or British writers do you know?

(2) Вставить: somebody, anybody, nobody.
1) I saw . .i know at the lecture.
2) i dare say that there may be . .at the lecture that i know, but what does that matter?
3) Do you really think that . .visits this place?
4) i have never seen . .lace their boots like that.
5) Does . .know anything about him?

(3) Употребите much, many, little, few, a little, a few
1) How . .seasons are there ina your?
2) Let me have . .juice
3) How . .is this watch?
4) I must do . .exercises more.
5) How . .milk is there in the cup?

(4) Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can
1) . .I come in?
2) I . .be ahle to help you
3) i . .not swim
4) I . .come and see you tomorrow if i have time.
5) Do you think you . .do that?

(5) Вставьте модальные глаголы may, must, need
1) . .i take this book for a little while? - I am sorry, but i . .return it to the library at once.
2) Alec . .practise this sound specially, but the other pupils . .not: they all pronounce it properly
3) They . .come any time they like between ten and twelve in the morning, but they . .not come if they don't want to.
4) . .i go there right now? - Yes, you . .
5) . .we hand in our compositions tomorrow? - No, you . .not, you . .hand them in after Sunday

Константин Жевнеров

1) 1) витч
5)хау мани

2) 1) сомбади

3) 1)мэни
2)а фью

4) 1)мэй

5) 1)мэй нид
2)маст кэн
3)кэн нид
4)маст маст
5)мэй нид маст

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