Алексей Юрков

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I want to tell you the songs of our friends,
in the land that I found buried
So far away from you.

And I'm gonna tell you the song of our lies,
lot of years flying low
and protecting.

The only thing that matters.

Know somethings broken but time,
will fix everything
she's a lie.

On the Horizon
we'll find
what is really
a lie.

And we feel,
and we scream,
we believe,
we got in love...

On the edge
of the road
I never asked for something more
and we feel,
and we scream,
we believe,
we died alone...

I fought a friendship was stronger than itself
Precious things as fragile
as breath of wind.
They blow away so easily.

Know somethings broken but time,
will fix everything
she's a lie.

On the Horizon
we'll find
what is really
a lie.

And we feel,
and we scream,
we believe,
we got in love...

On the edge
of the road.
I never asked for something more
and we feel,
and we scream,
we believe,
we died alone...

Everytime you feel alone,
everytime you think it's gone.

And the night chase the light,

and the night, chase the light.

On the Horizon
we'll find
what is really
a lie.
And we feel,
and we scream,
we believe,
we got in love...

On the edge
of the road.
I never asked for something more
and we feel,
and we scream,
we believe,
we died alone...

Наталья Попова

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