Оксана Григорьева

Present Perfect (Active, Passive),Past Perfect (Active, Passive) согласно образцу

Образец: The nurse (to dress) the patient's wound.

1. The nurse has dressed the patient's wound. The pa- tient's wound has been dressed by the nurse.

2. The nurse had dressed the patient's wound. The pa- tient's wound had been dressed by the nurse.

1. The teacher (to demonstrate) open fracture of the thorax. 2. The physician (to examine) the boy with osteomyelitis. 3. He (to apply) plaster of Paris cast. 4. The students (to see) patients with a complicated fracture

Денис Павлов

образец полностью соответствует заданиям, даже слишком понятно, какие могут быть проблемы, чтобы написать по образцу?

Екатерина Болдырева

так лень же просто

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Change from Past Perfect Active into Past Perfect Passive.