Alex V. Spiridonov

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста! ? Раскройте скобки, употребив нужное по смыслу грамматическое время

Dear David
I (try) to phone you several times but have not been able to contact you. You want to hear about my recent sales trip, so I (fax) you this short report now.
During the trip, I (visit) a number of supermarkets in southern France where I (give) presentations of our new products. There (be) a great deal of interest in our new cola drink. If everything (go) on like this, it (be) a winner over here. In Lion and Bordeaux, I (meet) the owners of some large retail outlets and (inform) them of our new discount policy. So far, no one (complain) about the lower discounts we are offering.
Last Saturday, I (have) an enjoyable lunch with Martine Roland - one of our best customers who (promise) to buy 20 cases of our new cola drink. But I (not receive) an order from her yet I (let) you know as soon as I (hear) from her.
In Nimes, I ran into Francois Duperrier. He (have) a difficult time lately. He (leave) his last job in May and since then he (be) unemployed. He (know) the French market very well. If he (become) our area representative in the South of France, we (benefit) a lot. What do you think? Let me (know) as soon as possible.
Best wishes

Татьяна Попова

I have tried to phone you several times but have not been able to contact you. You want to hear about my recent sales trip, so I'm faxing you this short report now.
During the trip, I visited a number of supermarkets in southern France where I gave presentations of our new products. There was a great deal of interest in our new cola drink. If everything goes on like this, it will be a winner over here. In Lion and Bordeaux, I met the owners of some large retail outlets and informed them of our new discount policy. So far, no one has complained about the lower discounts we are offering.
Last Saturday, I had an enjoyable lunch with Martine Roland - one of our best customers who promised to buy 20 cases of our new cola drink. But I haven't received an order from her yet I'll let you know as soon as I hear from her.
In Nimes, I ran into Francois Duperrier. He has had a difficult time lately. He left his last job in May and since then he has been unemployed. He knows the French market very well. If he becomes our area representative in the South of France, we'll benefit a lot.

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