Наталья Усачёва

Составить предложения по Англ. языку

Помогите составить предложения с фразовыми глаголами: check out, look forward to, hang out, look agter,look down, look up,look out for, cut in, grow up,shoot up,sweep up,on with,show around...

Большое спасибо!!!

Владимир Пронин

1. Hey, check it out! The new book by Palahniuk is in store!
2. I look forward to our meeting next week.
3. I'd like to hang out with you in downtown.
4. I asked my mother to look after my children, while I was going shopping.
5. The boss looks down on us.
6. If you don't know the word, look it up in the dictionary.
7. After her second child's birth she started looking out for a new house.
9. He grew up in this house.

Дальше лень

Александра Кузнецова
Александра Кузнецова

I checked out and went out the supermarket.
We look forward to Christmas.
He likes to hang out with his pals, that's why it's always difficult to find!
She looks after her little naughty sister every day.
I looked down and went on my way, i didn't know how to act.
Mary look ed up one important rule but couldn't do it!
It was obvious that the man in black looked out for danger.
Never cut in in our conversations, it's not polite!
In five years she'll grow up and open one of the best private schools in Wales.
I was shocked when i got to know that one man had shot up a lot of innocent people.
She goes on with her colleagues.

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