Екатерина Бурцева

помогите с заданием, пожалуйста. Откройте скобки, используя Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Per

Откройте скобки. Используя Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous.

1. I (to write) the letter. I (to try) to write it for weeks. 2. He (to know) the girl since she (to be) a small child and (to manage) her affairs since she (to come) of age. 3. Lanny (to say) nothing till they (to be) in the dressing-room where they (to leave) their coats. 4. He (to be) quite sure he (to see) that face somewhere. She (to ask) me (to help) her. 5. She (to ask) me to help her because she (to know) that I still (to work) for you. She (to know) I (to help) you for years. She (to know) I (to help) you to solve that missing luggage case. 6. By midnight she (to lose) hope to ever see me again and (to start) to phone the hospitals. 7. The cheerful girl who (to come) in with Eve (to be introduced) at last. 8. I (to learn) that nothing (to be done) though I (to leave) detailed instructions.

Aza Yuldashev
Aza Yuldashev

Осмыслите все это для себя на родном языке, постарайтесь вникнуть в их суть. Например: Завершила, наконец-таки, это проклятое письмо. А сколько недель тщетно корпела над ним! I had written the letter. I had been trying to write it for weeks.
И, кстати, представьте народу плоды своих стараний, а не так - берите и трудитесь за меня. Так выглядело бы тактичнее. Тем более слово "помогите", по моему, подразумевает именно это. И еще. Есть глаголы, которые континиуса не принимают. Нужно найти их список и выучить.

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SOS! Ребята, пожалуйста, 3 предложения в past simple, past continuous, past perfect! Задание для вас проще простого ;)