Галчёнок Лисина

training test.вставте слова и окончания где надо

1) she (dance) very well
2) where____ they usually (meet) ?
3) how much bread ____ you (buy) yesterday
4) we ____ (take) her to the zoo last weekend
5) he never (see) ____ her in that house in 1920
6) they often (make) pizza for sunday dinner
7) i ___ (not like) the way he (talk)
😎 they _____ (not arrive) tomorrow
9) where ___ you (go) next summer
10) how often she (have) english class?
11) last sunday we (skate) at the stadium
12) he never (be) late
13) the children always (clean) the table aftern brekfast
14) he (paint) the picture many years ago

Дмитрий Желобецкий

1. She dances very well
2. Where do they usually meet?
3. How much bread did you buy yesterday?
4. We took her to the zoo last weekend
5. He had never seen her in that house in 1920
6. They often make pizza for sunday dinner
7. I don't like the way he talks
8. They won't arrive tomorrow
9. Where will you go next summer?
10. How often does she have English classes?
11. Last Sunday we skated at the stadium
12. He has never been late
13. The children always clean the table aftern brekfast
14. He painted the picture many years ago

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