Михаил Аверьянов

Дополните предложения, используя герундий и такие предлоги: about, of, for, in, on, to, at, after, by, without, with.

1)this is used( cut) metal
2)He is good (listen) to what people say
3)I am tired(work) in the garden.
4) we are looking forward (meat) with you.
5)She was not interested (hear) my excuses
6)I am very happy (see)you again .
7) He can get into the house (climo)through a window.
😎 (Open) the door, she walked trough it.
9) Are they interested (join)our expeition
10) she improves her pronumclation ( read) about
11) I was busy ( cook)

Лина Лукьянова

1)this is used FOR CUTTING) metal.
2)He is good AT LISTENING to what people say
3)I am tired OF WORKING in the garden.
4) we are looking forward TO MEETING with you.
5)She was not interested IN HEARING my excuses
6)I am very happy ABOUT SEEING you again .
7) He can get into the house BY CLIMBING through a window.
😎 AFTER (ON) OPENING the door, she walked tHrough it.
9) Are they interested IN JOINING our expedition.
10) she improves her PRONUNCIATION BY READING about
11) I was busy WITH COOKING.

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