Алла Маракуца
Алла Маракуца

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Мне нужна любая информация о применении геопрластике в ландшафте, но ТОЛЬКО на английском языке. Помогите!!

Наталья ***


Apply geoplastiku

As has been said, are the measures taken in connection with geoplastikoy, is to give the area a new architectural existing sound diversify its hills and valleys, terraces and retaining walls, man-made ponds and streams. Consider a few more elements of landscape sculpture.

Very often the natural slope area quite pronounced, and to keep him safe from landslides, form ledges or terraces. However, they can build on the flat terrain, bringing some variety to the landscape.

Before proceeding to the construction of benches, to assess the scale of the site, on which the number of terraces and their future size. Sometimes enough to build 2 or 4 terraces, but there may be more, if enough free space. Height of the scarps is typically 60-80 cm, and their width is not less than 4.5 m - then they will become a real highlight of the garden, transforming a space. Do not forget about the storm water drainage systems and drainage, which is mounted on the terraces to prevent the accumulation of water, thus extending battery life.

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