/// ...

174. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple или Future Simple. (Все I предложения относятся к будущему)

1. Don't go away until mother (to come) back. Give her the note as soon as she (to come). 2. You (to go) to the library with us? - -No, I ...I (to stay) here and (to help) Jane with her grammar. I (to come) to the library after I (to finish). 3. Ring [ me up before you (to come). 4. I (to speak) to Mary if I (to see) her today. 5. I (not to speak) to him until he (to apologize). 6. Peter (to introduce) us to his friend as soon as we (to meet) them. 7. We (to go) to the station to meet Sergei when he (to come) to St. Petersburg.

Ленуся Добрынина

Я вам написала ответ в письме;))

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