Евгений Б

Помогите, пожалуйста, решить тест по английскому языку

5. The sentence is:
a)a nominative lingual unit
b)a predicative lingual unit
c)a nominative-predicative lingual unit

6. The sentence as a lingual unit in the broad sense is:
a)a unit of speech
b)a unit of language (as a system)
c)a unit of language and speech at the same time

7. Define the type of the sentence on the base of positional parts presentation: I am a teacher.

8. What type of the sentence is not included into the list of communicative types?
a)declarative sentences
b)interrogative sentences
c)exclamatory sentences
d)Imperative sentences

9. The theory of speech acts (pragmatic utterance types) was developed by:
a)Ch. Fillmore
b)N. Chomsky
c)the linguists of the Prague linguistic school
d)J.L. Austin and J.R. Searle

10. The theory of transformational syntax (the generative grammar) was developed by:
a)Ch. Fillmore
b)N. Chomsky
c)the linguists of the Prague linguistic school
d)J.L. Austin and J.R. Searle

11. Define the type of the following sentences: A. He loves his job and works a lot. B. He works a lot, because he loves his job. C. Loving his job, he works a lot. D. He loves his job, so he works a lot.
a) a complex sentence
b) a compound sentence
c) a semi-composite sentence
d) a simple sentence

12. Group the following coordinative connectors on the base of the relations between the clauses that they denote: and, nevertheless, or, so, neither… nor, but, therefore
a)copulative relations (unmarked coordination) __________________
b)adversative relations ________________________
c)disjunctive relations ____________________
d)causal-consequential relations ______________________

13. Which of the following sentences is not monolithic?
a)I remember when it all started.
b)He decided to quit, because the job was ruining his family.
c)What I knew was nobody’s business.
d)Hardly had I started the conversation when she interrupted me.

14.If the main clause has several subordinate clauses of equal rank, that is coordinated with one another this type of relation is called
a)successive subordination
b)parallel subordination
c)hierarchial subordination

15.Syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units are called
a)syntactic relations
b)syntactic functions
c)syntactic units

16. What syntactic functions do the nouns fulfill in the following sentence?
My sister (a), Mary (b), was once a cheer (c) leader (d) at school (e).

17. The governing element in a subordinate word-group is called
a)the adjunct
b)the complement
c)the head

18. Premodification comprises
a)all the units in both pre-head and post-head position
b)all the units all the units placed after the head
c)all the units placed before the head

19. The subordinate phrase with the verb as the head is called
a)the noun-phrase
b)the verb phrase
c)the predicative phrase


не забивай себе голову никому не нужной чепухой
спиши (может, заплатив) у подружки-заучки и забудь, как страшный сон
оно тебе никогда не пригодится

Дмитрий Ладанов
Дмитрий Ладанов

ужас чем людям голову забивают... Александр Драгункин-Новый русский метод

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