Сергей Елькин

Прмдумайте 10 предложений со словом

Оксана Бочарова

со словом South:

1. South is one of the four cardinal directions
2. I love living in the South
3. If you live in the South, you will hear your fair share of “sirs” and “ma’ams,”
4. The South may not be for everyone, but I honestly can’t see myself moving back north any time soon
5. A slave experience of being sold south
6.Unlike New England, who required public schooling by law, the difficulties of travel and the distances between prospective students impeded the growth of such schools in the South.
7. My friend and I are going to the South this weekend. Can`t wait!
8. People from South speak funny.
9. Over the next two decades, it will become clear to even the most clueless Yankee that the Solid South is long gone.
10. Success in building One Nation Labour will mean challenging some received wisdoms about theSouth

Ирина Лубсанова

С каким словом?

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