Олеся Молдавская

комплименты для мальчиков НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ

Лена Шаповал
Лена Шаповал

"You make me feel so (beautiful, happy, horny or anything that is a direct reflection of his efforts)."
This is one of the most sincere compliments you can give your man and one of the most deeply appreciated because it is heartfelt. A guy who likes you is trying hard to make you feel good so let him know it is working.

"OMG! You are so freaking hot! I love your (insert specific physical attribute here such as eyes, smile, abs, shoulders)."
It is one thing to tell a guy that he is good looking, but telling him specifically what makes him so dreamy, will give his ego an extra little lift. And when you serve up this accolade, gently touch the body part you are applauding to add extra sizzle to your compliment.

"I love spending time with you."
This compliment shows a guy that you like him not because of who he is on the outside -- his looks, his status or his money, but that you like him, because of who he is on the inside.

"I love the way you look in that (insert specific article of clothing)."
While most guys aren't as style obsessed as we are, they still want to be acknowledged for making an effort to look good, especially since they are doing it mostly to impress you. However, they take more pride in how they appear in an article of clothing than their ability to pick it out, so focusing on how the thing makes him look instead of the thing itself will give him a much bigger boost.

"This was the best date, gift, wine selection at dinner (or some other acknowledgment of when he has tried to impress you.)"
Positively reinforcing a guy who is making an effort to show you a good time makes him feel like that effort was worth it, so show a little appreciation by acknowledging his job well done with a verbal high-five.

"You have a wonderful family or I like your friends."
Girls don't always get along with a guy's friends and/or his family so knowing that you respect and genuinely even like his will mean the world to him.

Boy, you can work it!
Tell your man how awesome he is in the bedroom — this one definitely ranks at the top of his list! A guy dies to hear how good he is at the skills he works so hard to perfect.

"You're So Good At _____"
Even if he's freaking Michael Phelps, your man wants to know that you're aware he has some serious skills. Call it out when he has a great moment, whether it's playing guitar, killing it at co-ed softball, or whipping up a delish meal.

What would I do without you?
Guys love to feel needed. Whether it is to help you understand bank work or simply open a jam jar it is one of the greatest feelings for a man that you can't live without them. Cuddle him and tell him it would have been impossible for you to do anything without him.

Crave to spend more time with you
Sometimes you need to connect with his inner being as well. No matter how much you compliment him on his looks or his skills your efforts will go waste if you don't let him know how much you love him and want to be with him. Tell him that it is his innate characteristics that draw you closer to him.

You are excellent at your job!
Praising your guy's brain power is a must! Every guy wants to know that he is awesome at his task. Go that extra mile and tell him how much you admire him for the way he shows his dedication and loyalty towards his work. This one will touch him...really!

"Your Arms Look Sexy"
If your guy logs time at the gym, he wants his hard work to be acknowledged. Try complimenting him on his triceps-it seems more genuine than talking about his biceps.

"You're Making Me So Hot Right Now"
Pretty much anything you can say during sex or foreplay that lets him know he's doing the right moves is a winner.

"No One Makes Me Laugh Like You Do"
Guys place a lot of weight on being funny, and they want to know you dig their sense of humor, too. This statement is better than a simple "you're hilarious!" because it broadcasts that he's the funniest guy you know-a massive ego.

Марина Пучкова

самый самый!!!!

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