Евгений Шалов

Подскажите пожалуйста, какое кино пародируют в комедии "Без ансамбля"?

Я давно хочу эту комедию посмотреть. Знаю что какой то про танцы фильм, но их ведь куча одних только "Шагов вперед" штуки 3:-) Я просто такие не люблю, а комедию глянуть хочется, но без оригинала я ведь не пойму её. Заранее спасибо.


Посмотрите здесь. В "Без ансамбля" пародируется именно куча фильмов, не только "Шаг вперед" и "Шаг вперед 2".

Chappelle's Show (I'm Rick James, Bitch During the Dance Audition to Superfreak)
Save the Last Dance
You Got Served (the first battle in the movie/the character of Sugar Bear and the fact that Thomas and A-Con owe him money by the end of the next week or else)
Stomp the Yard (the head slip at the beginning and last battle)
Step Up (Nora's auditioning dancers)
Flashdance (the warm-up)
Step Up 2: The Streets (last battle)
Hairspray (Tracy Transfat)
Singin' in the Rain
Dirty Dancing (cut from final print)
Mamma Mia! (cut from final print, can be briefly seen in international trailer)
Little Miss Sunshine (Megan's audition to "Super Freak")
The House Bunny (the scene prior to Megan's arrest)
Final Destination 2 (the scene where Megan's mom was in a crash)
How She Move (cut from final print)
Black Snake Moan (the scene where Megan is chained to the radiator and Thomas looks like, and quotes the Samuel L. Jackson character)
High School Musical (the character of Jack wanting to be a dancer, the name of the high school, and the basketball scene in the gym.)
Fame (Jack's Flame sequence)
Honey (mentioned in rant)
Bring It On
Center Stage (dance class scene)
Twilight (the prom scene)
Roll Bounce (mentioned in rant; last battle scene)
Superbad (Megan's ID card identifies her as "McLovin")
Catwoman (the scene when Megan's mom gets run over/hit and run)
1 Night in Paris (Megan and Nora fight)
Ray (the blind guy named Ray and his mom)
Little Shop of Horrors and Dreamgirls (the "And I Am Telling You My Belly's Growling" song)
Edward Scissorhands (Edward "Trigger"-hands)
Enchanted and/or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Megan's singing scene with the rats and the birds)
Final Destination series (when Megan's dad shows her room)
Crash (the car crash)
America's Best Dance Crew
Coyote Ugly
So You Think You Can Dance
White Chicks
Alice in Wonderland (when Thomas is hanging on the pole is like when Alice is hanging on the doorknob)
Uncle Tom's Cabin (the dance-battle host mixing up Thomas's crew's name- "Uncle Toms" instead of "Thomas Uncle")
Dream Girls (Sugar Bear Hungary song)
Alfie (U Can't Touch This)
Brokeback Mountain (the two cowboys in the gay song)

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