
Срочно пересказ, АНГЛ. ЯЗ 8-10 предл 9 класс

A young man went into an insurance
office. He wanted to get some life insurance. The manager of the company said
to him "We'll have to ask you a couple of questions."
"That's OK," the young man answered. "I'm happy to answer your
"Did your parents have any illnesses?" "Yes, actually. My mother
was very unhealthy when she was a child, and she had problems with her health
all her life."
"And was your father healthy?" the manager asked.
"Not really, he had heart problems."
"I'm sorry to hear that," the manager said quietly. "How old
were they when they died?"
"Oh, they were still very young. My mother was thirty-five and my father
was forty."
The manager sighed. "I'm sorry, sir," he said, "but I can't give
you any life insurance."
When the man was leaving the office, another manager came up to him. "You
mustn't be so honest with people," he smiled. "Next time use your
imagination and make something up."
The young man went to another insurance company. The manager immediately asked
him "Did your parents have any illnesses?" and "How old were
they when they died?" But this time the young man was ready with an
"My mother was very keen on sports. She died when she was ninety because
she fell off her bike. My father was ninety-nine and died while he was playing
football. He had missed the ball and was very upset about it."
The manager gave a big smile. "We must give you some life insurance right
away, sir!" he said.

Максим Каширин

это короче про молодого парня


Учи слова. Пересказывай раз по 5о. Не ленись. Потом будет легче. Не ленись (((

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