Анас Эль Сайед
Анас Эль Сайед

Correcting mistakes,

1.It's really cold lately, so I've bought a new coat.2.Arsenal play really well at the moment.Their new player has real talent.3. I've heard you'll have a baby!4.When I was a little girl,I've always spent my pocket money on sweets. 5.I went out with Paulo for two years now, and we're still crazy about each other.6. I can't decide what to buy my brother for his birthday.Perhaps,I'm going to get him a new shirt.7.A one-day strike has called by London Underground workers for Friday this week.8.The teacher said that Megan had been working hard and was deserved to pass all her exams.

Спасибо большое.

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It will be really cold lately, so I am going to buy a new coat. 2. Arsenal are playing really well at the moment. 3.Ive heard you have got a baby! 4. When I were a little girl I always spent my pocket money on sweets. 5/ не вижу 6. не вижу. 7.не вижу. 8. The teacher said that Meganhad been working hard and she deserves to pass all exams.

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