Ирина Лагутина
Ирина Лагутина

Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие прилагательные в разных степенях сравнения, переведите их

I am a first year
student of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. I study at the extra-mural
department. Our Institute was founded on December 15, 1943 and was first called
the Chelyabinsk Mechanical-Technological Institute. There were only two
faculties: the Tank faculty and the Mechanical-Technological faculty. Only 80 students
and 14 teachers began the first academic year. In January 1951 the Institute
was reorganized into the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic and later was included into a
group of 30 largest higher schools in the country.

At present about 20
000 students and post-graduates study at its
day-time, evening and extra-mural departments. The biggest faculties are as
follows: Instrument Making, Building Engineering, Automabile and Tractor,
Metallurgical, Mechanical-Technological and Power Engineering ones. There are
73 chairs at the Institute training specialists for various branches
of industry. The ChPI occupies 5 modern
multistoried buildings. Each houses many lecture halls, libraries, reading-halls, a great
number of well-equipped laboratories, workshops and a computer center as well.
Since 1943 thousands of students have graduated
from the ChPI.

The Chelyabinsk polytechnic is one of the largest
research centers of our country. Its research activities are aimed at solving
the most important theoretical and practical problems in the fields of
electronics, construction, metallurgy, transport, etc. The Institute has 16
large research laboratories, which are equipped with up-to-date instruments.
The ChPI takes part in international scientific Conferences. It is a regular participant
of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow. The Institute has scientific contacts
with many enterprises in other cities.

Катерина Клеймёнова


biggest, a greatnumber, largest, the most important

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