Владимир Баранов

Complete the sentences with the underlined word from the text

1.Teenagers often Ответ (отвтет) against their parents.
2.When you travel you learn about different (ответ)

3.You can listen to (ответ) on the Internet.

4.My brother is a scientist and he isn’t interested in (ответ)

5.Bhaji on the Beach is an (ответ) film about a group of Asian women on a journey

Yura Borovik
Yura Borovik

Нет тут никаких подчёркнутых слов в тексте!
underlined word from the text

Лена Полунина

надо знать этот текст, чтобы ответить

Саша Иванов

complete the sentences from the text

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ПОМОГИТЕ !!!complete the following sentences with a/an the or no article