
Complete the text with one word in each gap.

They often ring me(1)_____ at 6 o'clock in the morning to ask about something unimportant.
Half asleep, I(2)_____ on the up the phone.
When I light and(3)____ hear the voice of one of my friends I just hang and go back to sleep.
If it is(4)____ something really important, they will call me later!

Лена Шаповал
Лена Шаповал

1.They often ring me up...
2.Half asleep I get up...
3.When I light and again hear the voice of one of my friends...
4.if it is a matter something really important...

Руслан "
Руслан "

They often ring me up at 6 o'clock in the morning to ask about something unimportant.
Half asleep, I get up on the phone.
When I light and again hear the voice of one of my friends I just hang and go back to sleep.
If it is really something important, they will call me later!

Юлия Двуреченская
Юлия Двуреченская

Да нето что вы фигню пишите. Маил. ответы: лучше не смотреть а то 2 получете ещё.


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