
учителя анг яз! ! нужна помощь в проставлении оценки.

что поставить? 11 класс. ребенок хочет пять.
It was windy and cold autumn day when this absolutely strange burglary was committed. I was sleeping when a sudden sharp noise burst into my dreams. I did not understand what it was so I just went on sleeping. In the morning when coming out of my apartment I saw 4 policemen on the grand floor (I live on the first). They were doing an unbelievable thing – they were arresting Maria Ivanovna - an old lady with kind eyes from the zero floor. However I did nothing to prevent this – I overslept that day (maybe because of bad sleep) and it was a very important hart operation scheduled in the morning.
At night my neighbor Kostya came to me. Kostya told that the arrest shocked everybody in the house. The police incriminated Maria Ivanovna in a very strange burglary. Ivanov Vanya, whose flat was burglarized, (I did not like him – he was a real casino goer) said that only one thing missed was his mothers’ wedding ring - not the most expensive thing in the apartment. However it was very important for his mum. All other things he stored in the safe and it was untouched. Oh, I remembered that safe – once I was at Kostya’s – he opened it to show me that very ring, the safe door uttered so unpleasant harsh sound!
I asked Kostya about evidences. He told that Maria Ivanovna helped Vanya with cleaning the house. She had flat keys, she also knew that Kostya kept the ring in the bathroom in a little box. Maria Ivanovna had problems with money that time. So it was easy for police to find the criminal. I knew they were on the wrong way and I could say who the real burglar was.

Александра Хисаметдинова
Александра Хисаметдинова

Ну что сказать? На 5 не тянет. Слишком по-русски написано. Кажется, что переводил компьютер. Может я слишком придираюсь, но сколько таких творений перечитала.... Надо учиться думать на английском языке.

Любим Хорватов

Я думаю 4
Для 11 класса текст не большой, но смысл есть!

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